May 17, 2012

If Morning Sickness= Healthy Baby ours is a champ.

I made a big mistake early in my pregnancy. I said the words "No, I am not feeling sick at all. Maybe I won't get sick", and proceed to have a mild fear that I wasn't really pregnant or that something was wrong because I wasn't feeling too sick. I think that is the equivalent to praying for patience because God answered.

My morning sickness really started to kick in on Sunday, aka Mother's Day. God gave me the gift of reassuring me that I really was pregnant and on my way to being a Mommy. While I had nausea here and there when a wrong smell hit me, this was this fist day I felt yucky ALL DAY, and it seems to have gone down hill from there.

I finally told my one female boss on Tuesday, just because I had to mute myself and sneak out of 2 meetings to go throw up, and I didn't think I would be able to hide it well. I had originally planned to tell my whole team when I went up there in June, right after my first Dr.'s Appt.

I have decided that they call it "Morning sickness" is because it seems like the only respite you have is approximately between the hours of 1-4pm, and the rest of the time (mostly "AM" hours) you are sick. I threw up no less than 6 times between the hours of 12am and 3am this morning, and at 7:45 when I woke up again, I literally started crying because I knew that consciousness equaled throwing up and I couldn't handle throwing up anymore because my head and throat still hurt from the last round.  

Since I had the day off work anyway, because my awesome hubby is remodeling our bathroom this weekend, so I can finally have a bathtub (YAY!!!). I just took two 2-hour naps where I forced down a couple swallows of food in between them. That seemed to work alright.

While I still feel a little nauseated, it isn't so bad, since I am on my 1-4pm break right now, and I slept through the morning round.

One bit of information that I forgot to mention in my earlier posts: You know how I wrote a whole blog post about worrying about giving up Dr. Pepper? All for naught. Two days after implantation, I no longer liked it. I never had a caffeine withdrawal headache, or anything. Since I stopped liking it over a week before I knew I was pregnant, I actually thought they may have changed the formula a little or that maybe our area had a new bottler, because it just tasted weird. So that was one weird first symptom, that made my life a little easier, and took a worry away.

Oh! Here is the first belly picture I promised you. All future ones should be with our new nice camera that the fedex man is supposed to be bringing today! This was taken May 4, at 4.5 weeks.

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