Ok I am finally writing another blog post.
I am finally
feeling a little better most days (and then a day will come when morning
sickness comes back full force and bites me in the butt). I have pretty much
quit having to take my anti-throw-up medicine.
I finally have a little bit of a belly, but am realizing a “little
bit of a belly” sucks. It basically means “I look fat”. I want to live in an
ideal world where I go from looking thin and cute (with the new big boobs) to
obviously pregnant. I think twins may do that for you, but the more I am
thinking and planning for a baby the less ideal twins sound. One at a time
sounds just right to me.
We went to the doctor this morning. It was a very quick appointment. I only gained a pound, have a great blood pressure, and heart the heart beat! My OB warned me that it might take her a minute to find it
so not to worry or panic. But there is was nice and clear as soon as she put
the Doppler down! ( I was secretly hoping that because of my tilted uterus she
would have a little bit of a hard time finding it and make me go get another US
to I could see my little gummy bear again… No such luck, but I was still VERY
Also, because of where the Dr. found the heartbeat, I am also
now sure that I felt the baby move this week!!!! It was nothing big. It is hard
to even describe it was just the faintest of little flutters (although flutter
is not a good description). It is not a feeling that I have ever really felt. I
am looking forward to it getting more pronounced, and turning into kicks and
having Adam be able to feel them.
I am still feeling like it is a boy, even though I am
leaning towards wanting a girl. So I think Adam is going to win that one, but
we will not know for sure until the end of August.
I am going to start including this little “survey” at the
end of my blog posts to keep up updated on the “basics”
How far along? 12 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: -8 lbs. ( up one from my low point)
Maternity clothes? Nope, but most of my pants need to be
unbuttoned. I will probably invest in a belly band soon.
Stretch marks? none yet.. . need to start to cocoa butter
soon, so I don’t get them. J
Sleep: I am finally able to fall asleep on my own again.
Most nights. Although ever since getting pregnant I have been waking up at like
6:30am. I guess my body is preparing for a baby.
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat!
Miss Anything? Enjoying food.
Food cravings: Fruit. Tangerines especially this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Food.
Gender: Feeling like it is a boy.
Labor Signs: No!
Symptoms: Morning sickness
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On…and it seems like looser than
Happy or Moody most of the time: Well since happy is one of
the MANY moods I go through in a given day, I will go with moody.
Looking forward to: Enjoying food, having the 4th
of July off work, not look fat, and finding out the sex.
13 week belly Pics!
13 week belly Pics!
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With shirt down I just look chubby. |
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With Shirt up you can see a little belly. |
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Our Redneck Paradise to beat the 109 degree heat this weekend. |
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The green thing on the tube was a mister that was hooked up to the hose lightly spraying me with cool water, the purple thing is a water gun to shoot Adam :-) |