July 13, 2015

Unexpected growth...

With this pregnancy I decided to change doctors. I loved my old doctor, but I didn't like my birth experience with the hospital or the other doctors in her practice when she wasn't on call. So I decided to change to a midwife practice this time around. It still operates at a major hospital, where I will deliver, and I will still have a supervising OB, but the care is more holistic. I feel this is yet another way God is taking care of me. I went in for my intake appt, which was just confirming pregnancy, blood work and meeting with the nurse, and scheduled my first ultrasound. My US showed my due date to be 1/1/16, and my LMP has my due date as 1/5/15. The midwives are going to use the January 5th date becuase that give me as much time as possible without getting induced. I, personally, am going off the January 1st date, because it is a more fun due date, and I think probably a little more accurate.

I had my first real visit with the Midwife at right around 12 weeks. She was great and I really liked her. I know that moving was the best decision. Unlike my previous OB, my exam was not just ask about weight gain, diet, baby's heart beat and measuring fundal height. She seemed to care more about me as a mother, not just me as a baby gestator.

One thing that solidified that was both good and bad. She examined my thyroid, and noticed that I had a fairly large nodule on it. She immediately ordered more blood work and a thyroid US. While worrisome, it really assured me that I made the right decision and that God was looking out for me. If I hadn't changed practices who knows when someone would have noticed it. I had previously noticed it, but I didn't think anything of it. I just thought I was feeling my thyroid. Thankfully, after some research (thanks Dr. Google!) I discovered that 90% of people have thyroid nodules, and 95% of those nodules are benign.

So I am being thankful right now in light of this possibly scary occurrence.
I will continue the story in my next post.

Here are the pictures from my first US.
(this post was written 7/8)

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